Acrylic MusicBox with 8bit-AVR

last update 2015/5/7

fabrication period:2014/10/21~10/31

Acrylic MusicBox

This is an electronic music box by using AVR 8 bit micro controller.
I used acrylic boards, which I love, as the box.

It makes beautiful sounds as if it is a real music box because it is used WaveTable technique. The original source code was written by ChaN; Wavetable Melody Generator.


I wanted to make beautiful sounds like not electronic tone color but real tone color by using just one micro controller.

I knew a precedent, ChaN’s WaveTable Melody Generator, but I couldn’t understand his assembly code, then I had not touched this project in the end even though I wanted to try it.

One day, for some reason, it really made me want to make it. I searched about technique again and then I found wonderful movies “AVRでオルゴール作ってみた(I made a music box with AVR)” on Niconico. He uploaded not only the movies but also source code, some documents and related programs. He must be a god for me.

Actually, I had enough information to make. I got some parts when I visited Osaka and then the preparation was complete.

material and tools

  • Tools/Softwares
  • Parts
    • AVR ATMEGA32u4
    • a speaker(SS-30-802W)
    • acrylic boards
    • paper phenol substrate
    • button battery
    • micro switch
    • some other electronic parts


The process step was usual. Basic experiment, drawing circuit, design the box, making circuit board, milling the box parts, soldering, and assembling.

basic experiment

Anyway, I am nervous when I use a micro controller for the first time. Is it correct pin connection? Can I write program to the micro controller? Isn’t my setting the fuse wrong? … something like that.

To tell the truth, I spent several hours in vain because of the pins connections. (ノ∀`)タハー

It didn’t work at all…

The problem was “GND pins connection”. It needed two GND pins connected.
connect GND pins of MEGA32U4

It finally worked!
MEGA32u4 電子オルゴール実験

the box and the board

cutting (milling)

small_CIMG6718 エンドミルが折れた.心も折れた


the board
meag32u4 board for the acrylic music box

my CAD fault…


I made a function like a spring

power off while the box is closed
turn off while the box is closing

power on
turn on while the box is open

So good sounds, beautiful acrylic box. キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!
acrylic music box



